Originated by Zeng Dao

Issue 209: Zeng's prediction before and after each issue [already published]

Published on: 2024-07-27 00:34:35

Before and after the 209 issue of Taoist Zeng: [Qianxiao+Monkey Horse]?? accurate

Issue 208 Before and after Taoist Zeng: [Hou Xiao+Long cattle 】Open 04, Niuzhuan

Issue 206 Before and after Taoist Zeng:【 Anterior Xiao +Monkey dog] open 14, rabbit is allowed

Issue 205 Before and after Taoist Zeng:【 Anterior Xiao +Monkey and chicken] open 40, subject to cow

Issue 204 Before and after Taoist Zeng:【 Anterior Xiao +Chicken and dog] open 05, mouse allowed

source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials

source: www.tyxinhai.com

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